The Composition of the Best Link Pyramid

The best link pyramid has the capacity to allow your websites to rank high in Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs, therefore creating substantial traffic to your websites. Link pyramids are basically websites that are linked with one another. Like the real pyramid, it should be built in such a way that it has a broader base that gets narrower as it reaches the top. This means that all the links commune at the tip of the pyramid so that it will eventually lead to your websites. This method of creating traffic has been used for a long time now and the best link pyramid will introduce traffic to your sites fast.

The Bottom of the Best Link Pyramid

This is more commonly known as the first layer of the best link pyramid. It is characterized by one-way texts such as that in blog commenting which leads to the second layer of the pyramid. This layer aims for establishment of the site on the basic level. It also allows quick indexing.

best link pyramid

 The Next Layer of the Best Link Pyramid

The second layer of the best link pyramid is usually made up of social bookmarking which should lead to the third layer of the best link pyramid. The main objective of such approach to assist web 2.0 properties secure quick indexing as well as increase the presence and authority of your sites. It is also made up of blog commenting and other contextual text links. This should further increase your site’s index ratio in as little as one week.

The Second to the Last Layer

The third layer of the pyramid no longer leans too much on simple blog commenting. Rather, it relies on websites that are connected with each other. Such websites should be made with basic web 2.0. Examples of these sites are Squidoo, WordPress and Live Journal. In the best link pyramid, these sites are not typically linked. Previous layers of blog commenting and social bookmarking should have been able to establish its authority independently.

The Tip of the Pyramid

This layer is made up of your website or your main domain. It could either be made up of a group of small sites such as WordPress blogs. It is the central system receives all the traffic that has been redirected by the bottom three layers of your link pyramid.

If you have been able to follow the linking that occurs in the best link pyramid closely, you will realize that it is a network of various lower quality sites, which eventually commune to sites with higher quality, which in this case are your websites. Remember that any type of website can only link upwards, laterally, and never downwards. It gives Google what they are looking for therefore enabling them to grant your sites top search engine results. This means that if you want to boost the traffic of your websites, whether they may be AdSense or eCommerce sites or WordPress blogs, you can always rely on the services of the best link pyramid.

At we offer the Best Link Pyramid – Visit Us!

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