How to Generate Web Traffic in 2017

This year – 2017 – seems to be a rich opportunity for the world of marketing. Specialists have their incredible marketing goals set for 2017, and increasing web traffic is one of the primary targets. Growth in traffic results in higher conversion rates and upsurges the sales for your brand. If you run an online business, traffic is your livelihood. Strategies that worked in the past may or may not function efficiently this year. With changing algorithms of search engines, marketing experts have to continually adapt and improve their strategies to make a website’s presence more prominent on this digital landscape.

web traffic 2017

We live in a world where our online presence is highly crucial for a brand. Without anyone visiting your website, it is nearly impossible to grow your local or international business. A great theme, vivid graphics, plugins, social media accounts, and SEO optimization are no longer enough to attract a significant number of targeted audiences to your site.

Since we see new technologies evolve on a daily basis, the year of 2017 is anticipated to be a revolutionary time for the world of online business. Even though optimization and a great website with plugins still hold an important place to drive traffic, there are many more aspects that will majorly change your monthly traffic rate.

Here are some of the easiest and imperative ways to get web traffic in 2017!

Create Mobile Responsive Website

The mobile revolution is coming! With new and smarter mobile phones launching every day, people are moving away from desktops and towards Smartphones to call cabs, get groceries, buy makeup, and many more services on the web. The mobile device generated search are on the rise in 2017 in comparison to the last year, and it is a good time to think about making your website responsive for smaller screens.

Tips: Take a Mobile-Friendly Test offered by Google to determine your website’s friendliness on the mobile devices.

Sway Visitors With Your Social Media

2017 is the time to channel the power of Social Media. From presidents and country officials to small businesses, everyone is showing an active participation on various social media platforms. You will find an untapped client reserve in your area by running a social media campaign, like advertisements. Add social media plugins to your website and link them to your business’s social media accounts. Stay active on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by updating your status and tweets regularly. More the followers on social media, more website traffic increase.

Tips: Select 2-3 social media channels that you want for your business and figure out a social media strategy to grow on these specific platforms only. This will make your efforts more concentrated, instead of driving your attention on every social media channel.

Improve your Old Content

Content is known as the king of SEO, and there is a good reason! According to recent research, nearly 90% of the visitors are distracted by the content on the website. It means, at least 70% of the visitors are going to read some or complete content that is written on your site. You must be wondering how to increase traffic to your website, as content only works once the visitor is already on your page! This is untrue! Content marketing is a vast field that is not only responsible for writing engaging content for your pages, but also for white papers, infographics, special reports, and even webinars. Moreover, when a website’s content is optimized with the right keywords and search terms, it will improve your ranking on the search engine results – increasing your traffic!

Tips: Add a blog section to your website, to not only make your website keyword friendly but also to redirect users from your informational posts to your site!

Build an Email List

Many marketers claim that email marketing has had its last breath in 2016, due to a steep increase in applications and text message marketing. However, you might see a comeback for email lists in 2017. When a fan sign up for your newsletter, this indicates their interest in your product and services, and they want to hear more from you! Even today, 61 percent email users love to read weekly promotional emails – this is a huge number! Build your email list today by opting the old-fashioned way of collecting addresses at the event, and the modern way of letting people sign up for your newsletter.

Tips: Send out one or two newsletters in one week with something informational, promotional, and engaging.

Make your Popular Blog Posts Easy to Find

Whether you’re a blogging website or a business that runs a successful blog on their website, making your best content readily available to the audience is an important part of generating more traffic in 2017. If people really love your posts and you have many like, shares, and comments, then you can use it to increase traffic on your website. Pick up three to four popular posts and add them to your website’s sidebar. It is a proven technique by marketing tycoon, Neil Patel.

Tips: Share your blog posts on social media regularly, to encourage more visitors on your blog, and eventually to your website.

Use Animated or Sketched Drawings in Videos

It is a great thing to have a video to promote your business. Videos are engaging and grab more attention, and are a powerful way to deliver your messages to your potential clients. How to increase website traffic with videos? Create videos with animation or sketches and voice over! It has proven to be a great strategy to encourage users and trick them into watching it till the end. The majority of web surfers prefer video to text (you can blame it on the rapidly increasing competition and lack of time). Even videos can improve your SEO of the website and rank on search engines.

Tips: You can create affordable animated videos on the web and add a funny yet professional tone to the concept.

Give your Website a Facelift

Every New Year brings a new trend and suggestions in the world of online business – people want and love change! Give your website a fresh look by improving its load time and responsiveness on both desktops and mobile devices. It should also be easy to navigate, and all your essential services should have an individual tab, to give users easy access to the products that you offer. If a visitor finds it difficult to find what they’re looking for, they will close the tab and move on to the next website. To retain your visitors, easy navigation, and modern design is a must!

Tips: You can also change the color scheme of your website to add a new, refreshing touch to the design.

Accept and Write Guest Posts

There are many writers and SEO professional looking to add their backlink on relevant websites. Writing guests posts might seem a little 2016 to you, but accepting guest is something that will be on the rise in 2017. If you’re not a direct competitor, then you can allow writers to guest post on your website. For one, it is free for you, and second, you will get better contents and keywords added to your site, which will increase your ranking and page score.

Tips: It is great for the websites that sell products and want to promote them using content.

Do Podcasting

If we are talking about the future, then we cannot leave podcasts behind! You can invite influential people to your podcasts and attract a new audience while promoting your services and products. It is great for websites that sell products like clothing, mobile phones, and accessories. You can also target new and reputed podcast producers and guest star in their shows.

Tips: This might be the greatest audio version of your guest’s posts that will help you generate more traffic to your website. Remember to pick interesting topics that audience would want to hear and learn about, to increase website traffic in 2017.

Share Infographics

This will require the help of a designer, but will give your business a unique presence on this digital landscape. Infographics are basically high-resolution, and informational images, where you can add messages, logos, images, or any other writings about your business, services, and products. They are highly engaging and are a unique way of displaying your content. Don’t forget to share them on social media platforms and attract more visitors to your website.

Tips: Remember to use vibrant colors and high-quality texts, to add to your infographics.

Making some major changes in your online marketing strategy and website can become an excruciating task. These simple steps will not make any drastic changes to your existing website, and will help you increase website traffic while improving your search ranking and online presence. Simply follow these tips, and you will surely become the favorite go-to website for your customers, locally and internationally.

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